Georges Ghascha Théano is a Portfolio Manager at Tactex Asset Management with over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. He helps manage the Moka funds, performs investment analysis and recommendations, client suitability assessments, securities analysis, model selection and allocation, and manages exempt market transactions.
Prior to joining Moka, Mr. Théano held several financial advisory positions. In his home country, he has worked at a local bank for 8 years and was involved in risk management oversight to ensure compliance with local and international prudential norms(Basel II).
Mr. Théano holds the Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designation, a Diploma in Financial Planning from the Institut Québécois de Planification Financière(IQPF), a Graduate Diploma in Management with Concentration in Taxation from McGill University, and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Institut des Hautes Études Commerciales et Économiques(IHECE, Haïti).