Most Canadian retail investors find themselves in one of two worlds. They either have control of their own investments accounts but receive little or no personalized financial advice OR they retain a licensed investment advisor to manage their investments with the costs that these entail but lose control over their account.
Many of our clients’ portfolios are currently managed through segregated discretionary accounts that may include exchange-traded funds in order to obtain the benefit of industry leading pricing. We believe that index management should not cost as much as active management of the portfolio.
Tactex offers advice-only services for the “Do It Yourself” investor. This service ensures that you receive professional advice for your portfolio while retaining control over your account and executing transactions in your own account. This Advice-only service, where custody of the portfolio remains with your broker, is intended to make professional advice more accessible and allows investors to gain a better control over costs associated with managing their portfolios.
Investment advice is a regulated service. As such, our service is only available to clients of Tactex Asset Management. The cost for this service is a flat annual fee per household* and is based on your needs and complexity of your financial situation. Fees are payable quarterly or monthly.
* Household means individuals client with or without a spouse. Family corporations, family trust etc. will increase the complexity and the fee.